- Roulette
European Roulette has one major difference from American Roulette. While the American version has a single zero as well as a double zero, European Roulette only has the single zero.
In a typical European Roulette configuration, the numbers 1 to 36 are placed in alternating red and black pocket on the wheel. The zero is typically a single green pocket.
European Roulette provides a more favourable house edge at 2.7% compared to American standing at 5.26%.
So what’s the complete list of bet types you can place on European Roulette, and how do they pay out?
Keep these numbers in mind as we move on to exploring American Roulette.
What’s the result of this?
American Roulette offers slightly worse odds to you as a player than the European version. The payout for a single bet coming in is the same, while the odds of it coming are in lower.
Let’s look at the complete list of bets you can place on American Roulette, and the returns you will experience.
On the surface, a difference of 1.2% for the low/high odds between American and European Roulette may not seem huge.But, over the many spins a roulette wheel experiences, even a small percentage difference massively impacts outcomes.
Also, when you are playing French Roulette, the terminology for the bets of 12 is different. The first 12 numbers require you to bet on p12, the middle section require m12, and the final dozen are labelled as D12.
French roulette players can also take advantage of some unique rules.
Multiwheel roulette takes all the excitement of European Roulette and makes it eightfold
Instead of betting on a single European Roulette wheel at one time, you can instead bet on eight. This acts as a multiplier.
Consider an example. Imagine placing a bet of £10 on the even section. This would multiply across eight wheels to a total wager of £80. Your combined gain or loss would be taken as the results of those eight wheels combined.
Multiwheel roulette represents one of the most intense experiences going, so approach it with caution!
Now that you know the main types of roulette, let’s check out the betting options.
Roulette has a lot of different bets available. Knowing what they are, and how likely they are to win, is key to succeeding at the game.
For example, if you are looking to play it safe, you should stick to the bet types with the best possible odds, like betting on either black or red or odds or evens.
If you want to stand a slightly better chance of return, but with a higher level of risk, consider making a bet on the dozens. You have a 1 in 3 chance of your bet coming in but with a better payout than if you go for the safest types of bet.
Finally, if you are an experienced roulette player with a higher tolerance for risk, you can start betting on more complicated options like straight up bets and splits. Over time, you can find the best combination of bets that makes for an enjoyable game of roulette according to your preferences.